在留資格 外交 ・公用・ 教授 ・芸術 ・宗教・報道

 「横浜のアオヤギ行政書士事務所」が入管法別表第1の1の表(特定された就労活動が認められる在留資格)に記載の在留資格「外交」、「公用」、「教授」、「芸術」、「宗教」、「報道」につき、解説いたします。 ご意見やご質問は下記のフォームに記載のうえ、メールにて送信下さい。 なお、返信希望のご質問には、貴メールアドレスの記載をお忘れなく。




















































  (1) 在留資格認定証明書交付申請書 1通
     地方入国管理官署において用紙が用意されています。    また、法務省のホー

  (2) 写真(縦4cm×横3cm) 1葉
     申請前3か月以内に正面から撮影された無帽、無背景で鮮明なもの。    写真



       付したもの) 1通














 (1) 在留資格認定証明書交付申請書 1通
     地方入国管理官署において、用紙が用意されています。 また、法務省のホー

 (2) 写真(縦4cm×横3cm) 1葉
 (3) 返信用封筒(定形封筒に宛て先を明記の上、380円分の切手(簡易書留用)を 

    貼付したもの) 1通
  ① 公私の機関又は個人との契約に基づいて活動を行う場合
    活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証明する文書 1通

(5)  芸術活動上の業績を明らかにする資料
    ①芸術上の活動歴を詳細に記載した履歴書 1通
   a.関係団体からの推薦状 1通
   b.過去の活動に関する報道 適宜
   c.入賞、入選等の実績 適宜
   d.過去の作品等の目録 適宜
   e.上記aからdに準ずるもの 適宜









 (1) 在留資格認定証明書交付申請書 1通
     地方入国管理官署において、用紙が用意されています。 また、法務省のホ

 (2) 写真(縦4cm×横3cm) 1葉
 (3) 返信用封筒(定形封筒に宛て先を明記の上、380円分の切手(簡易書留用)

    を貼付したもの) 1通
 (4) 外国の宗教団体からの派遣状等の写し等派遣機関からの派遣期間、地位及び

    報酬を証明する文書 適宜
 (5) 派遣機関及び受入機関の概要(宗派、沿革、代表者名、組織、施設、信者数 

    等)を明らかにする資料 適宜
   (6) 宗教家としての地位及び職歴を証明する文書 適宜

















 (1) 在留資格認定証明書交付申請書 1通
     地方入国管理官署において、用が用意されています。 また、法務省のホー

   (2) 写真(縦4cm×横3cm) 1葉

    貼付したもの) 1通


    行された社員を雇用していることを証明する文書 1通


(1) 在留資格認定証明書交付申請書 1通
    地方入国管理官署において、用紙が用意されています。 また、法務省のホー

(2) 写真(縦4cm×横3cm) 1葉
(3) 返信用封筒(定形封筒に宛先を明記の上、380円分の切手(簡易書留用)を貼

    付したもの) 1通

(4) 申請人の活動の内容等を明らかにする次のいずれかの資料


             される労働条件を明示する文書 1通



             報道機関の作成した文書 1通

(5) 外国の報道機関の概要(代表者名、沿革、組織、施設、職員数、報道実績等)

    を明らかにする資料 1通 



 English Tramslation is on the way, not completed yet.



 " Aoyagi administrative legal specialist office in Yokohama  is willing to make comments for " table 1 of the first Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act Schedule ( status of residence work activities that have been   

identified are found) status of residence in 「diplomacy」,  「 public 」 ,「Professor 」 ,「Art 」, 「religion 」 and 「news」 .   Please send by e-mail the form below your questions and opinions .   The question of the desired reply , do not forget the description of your e-mail address .

Status of residence " diplomacy"
1 . Activities can be carried out in Japan
Members of the consular post , young treaty or diplomatic mission of a foreign government by the Japanese government to receiving State
 The properly or persons who receive the privileges and immunities similar to the diplomatic mission by the international practice
 Activities as a member of a family belonging to the same household and.

2 . Appropriate cases
- And their families ( diplomatic staff of the clerk , etc. ambassador , minister , or Counselor) diplomat & Their families ( Consul General , Consul , acting consul , etc. and Vice-Consul , Honorary Consul excluded.) And consulates
- And their families who receive the privileges and immunities similar to the diplomatic mission by the international practice or treaty

3 . Period of stay
Period for diplomatic activity

4 . Materials necessary for the new acquisition and when changing If you

  want to Certificate of Eligibility application is ,

Documents certifying the identity and Janitorial international organizations or foreign governments other note verbale issued


Status of residence " official "

1 . Activities which can be performed in Japan

The person or persons engaged in public service of international organizations or foreign governments was approved by the Japanese government.

Activities those listed in the section of diplomacy (Table activities as a member of the family belonging to the same household and I except for the motion . )

2 . Appropriate cases

Anyone who is dispatched from international organizations or foreign governments for janitorial public and the Government of Japan

Staff and services as well as technical staff and office of diplomatic mission

Staff and services as well as technical staff and consular affairs

, Staff of international organizations that are located in Japan

Parking for janitorial public with the Japanese government to local agencies of international organizations or foreign governments in the Japan.

Their families staff beauty of the international organizations or foreign governments to resident.


3 . Period of stay

For those who reside in  Japan , also one to threee years depending on the intended length of stay to carry out public activities.

   For Business travelers  intended length of stay is less than three month, depending on the intended length of stay , it becomes the period of the 15 or 30days.

For so-called local staff not a person who is dispatched from  the home government , it becomes the period of one year .

When you receive the update of the period of stay in Japan , 5 years , 3 years, 1 year , 3,months, 30days,
15days will be determined .

4 . Materials needed for such as a new acquisition and when changing
Documents certifying the identity and Janitorial international organizations or foreign governments other note verbale issued


Status of residence " professor "

1 . Activities can be carried out in Japan have your

Finger studied in vocational high school or institution or an equivalent university in Japan , the research

Activities to the education or guide

2 . Appropriate cases

University , inter-university research institute , National Center , Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation of Japan ,

Fisheries college , Marine Technical University , sail training school , Civil Aviation College , Kaijohoandaigakko , maritime security

School , weather College , National Defense Academy , National Defense Medical College , and professional development of university schools ,

President , director , principal , vice-president , vice-principal , vice-principal , professor , associate professor , lecturer , as an assistant , etc.

Activities to the guidance or education research , the research

3 . Period of stay

5 years , 3 years , March 1 year or

4 . Submitted materials and application documents

( 1) Certificate of Eligibility application form 1 copy
Paper is available in the local immigration office . In addition , Ho of the Ministry of Justice

You can download from Mupeji .
( 2) Photos ( 4cm × horizontal length 3cm) 1 leaf
Bare-headed , which was taken from the front within 3 months prior to the application , things clear with no background . Photo

It describes the name of the applicant on the back of , and affixed to the photo section of the application form .

( 3 ) self-addressed envelope to the ( non-standard-sized envelope clearly and stamp of 380 yen worth of ( simple registered for ) the destination

Which was subjected ) 1 copy


Status of residence "art"

1 . Activities which can be performed have tail Japan

I listed in the section of box office (Table artistic activity music involving income , art , literature and other

I except for the activity . )

2 . Appropriate cases

And composer who do creative activities , songwriter , painter , sculptor , craftsman , writer of及photographer , etc.


• The finger on the activities of the arts including music , art , literature , photography, theater , dance , movies and other

A person who performs a conductive

3 . Period of stay

5 years , 3 years , March 1 year or

4 . Submitted material

( 1) Certificate of Eligibility application form 1 copy
In the local immigration office , the paper offers . In addition , Ho of the Ministry of Justice

You can also download from Mupeji .
( 2) Photos ( 4cm × horizontal length 3cm) 1 leaf
Bare-headed , which was taken from the front within 3 months prior to the application , things clear with no background .
Describes the name of the applicant on the back of the photo , please attached to the photo section of the application form .
( 3 ) self-addressed envelope to the ( non-standard-sized envelope clearly and stamp of 380 yen worth of ( for simple registered mail ) to the destination

Which was attached ) 1 copy
The material of any of the following reveal the contents of the activity of (4 ) the applicant
When performing activities on the basis of contracts with private or public and private institutions of ①
One copy of the document to prove the contents of the activity , period , rewards and status
If you do the activities without being based on a contract with a private or public and private institutions of ②
The contents of the specific activities that the applicant is to create , resulting from activities which attempt and period

( Suitable manner ) documents which have an estimated amount of revenue
The article reveals results (5 ) art activities on
One copy of resume that describes in detail the activity history of artistic ①
In either ② Next , those able to clarify the performance of artistic activity on
1 letters of recommendation from . affiliate a
The appropriate report on the activities of b. past
. winning c, track record of winning , such as appropriate
inventory appropriate other works of d. past
those appropriate to be equivalent to d from . above a e
Status of residence " religion "

1 . Activities which can be performed have tail Japan

That aims to belong to religious organizations and foreign , to carry out missionary work in Japan , such as from the organization

Activities of religious who were dispatched by

2 . Appropriate cases

And missionaries to be dispatched from the religious groups of foreign

3 . Period of stay

5 years , 3 years , March 1 year or

4 . Submitted material

( 1) Certificate of Eligibility application form 1 copy
In the local immigration office , the paper offers . In addition , host of the Ministry of Justice

You can also download from Mupeji .
( 2) Photos ( 4cm × horizontal length 3cm) 1 leaf
Bare-headed , which was taken from the front within 3 months prior to the application , things clear with no background .
It describes the name of the applicant on the back of the photo , we can attach to the photo section of the application form .
( 3 ) self-addressed envelope to the ( non-standard-sized envelope clearly and stamp 380 yen ( simple registered mail for the addressee )

Which was attached a ) one copy
Dispatch period from the copy , such as dispatching agency dispatch of shape or the like from religious groups (4 ) foreign , and position

Appropriate documents to prove the remuneration
( Sect , History , In the name , organization , facilities , number of followers overview of the institution and ( 5) temporary agency

The documents reveal appropriate etc.)
Appropriate document to prove a career and position as ( 6) religious
Certificate or the like from the dispatch agency , I certify status , professional career as a religious house of the applicant

Please show the document . It should be noted that ( the above article 4) dispatch shape or the like , the sect of the applicant

Need to be submitted if the status , career as a professor who has been described

There is no .


Status of residence " news "

1 . Activities which can be performed have tail Japan

Journalistic activities conducted on coverage of other to be performed on the basis of a contract with a foreign press organization

2 . Appropriate cases

· With those employed by the foreign press , to perform the activities of the press on from the news media

Which was sent to Japan for

- Not belong the news agency specific , at a press or the like, to act as a freelancer , information of foreign

Used to perform the activities of the press on for the news organization to enter into a contract with the road agency

3 . Period of stay

5 years , 3 years , March 1 year or

4 . Submitted material

If you are employed by foreign news organizations to hire the person who issued the Foreign Press registration card from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman

( 1) Certificate of Eligibility application form 1 copy
In the local immigration office , use is available . In addition , Ho of the Ministry of Justice

You can also download from Mupeji .
( 2) Photos ( 4cm × horizontal length 3cm) 1 leaf
Bare-headed , which was taken from the front within 3 months prior to the application , things clear with no background .
Describes the name of the applicant on the back of the photo , please attached to the photo section of the application form .
( 3 ) self-addressed envelope to the ( non-standard-sized envelope clearly and stamp of 380 yen worth of ( simple registered for ) the destination

Which was attached ) 1 copy

Foreign news organizations to hire (4 ) applicant is , issue the foreign press registration card from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman

One copy of the document to prove that you are hiring employees that are line

In the case of groups and individuals that do not apply to a person who has been issued the Foreign Press registration card from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman

( 1) Certificate of Eligibility application form 1 copy
In the local immigration office , the paper offers . In addition , Ho of the Ministry of Justice

You can also download from Mupeji .
( 2) Photos ( 4cm × horizontal length 3cm) 1 leaf
Bare-headed , which was taken from the front within 3 months prior to the application , things clear with no background .
Describes the name of the applicant on the back of the photo , please attached to the photo section of the application form .
Clearly and pasting stamps 380 yen (simple for registered mail ) to the destination ( non-standard-sized envelope ( 3 ) self-addressed envelope

Which was subjected ) 1 copy

The material of any of the following reveal the contents of the activity of (4 ) the applicant
In the case of who is dispatched from news organizations (a) foreign
Document to prove the contents of the activities that you created the agency , dispatch period , the remuneration and status

1 copy
In the case of a person who is to be employed in Japan to news organizations (b) foreign
On the basis of Article 5 of the Law Enforcement Regulations and Article 15 Paragraph 1 Labor Standards Act , is issued to workers

One copy of the manifest document working conditions that are
Those who operate on the basis of the contract of employment other than with the news media , etc. (c) foreign ( free Carranza

In the case of over , etc.)
Contract for such a contract . However contents of the activity , period , and position in the contract

If any of the reward is not described , and of the foreign that contains additional items

One copy of the document that you created for the news media

( Representative 's name , history , organization , facilities , number of staff , reporting results, etc. ) Overview of the news media (5 ) Foreign